
Technology and demographics: The economic tug-of-war

April 25, 2024

Joe Davis

Vanguard Global Chief Economist

A graphic describes three scenarios for long-run U.S. real GDP growth and their associated probabilities. Vanguard scenario 1 is that AI fails. Demographics dominate. Economic growth is less than 1.8 percent. It falls short of the real interest rate. The probability of this scenario is 30% to 40%. The consensus scenario is for economic growth between 1.8 percent and 2.3 percent. Growth roughly equals the real interest rate. The probability of this scenario is 10 percent to 20 percent. Vanguard scenario 2 is that AI succeeds. Productivity surges. Economic growth is greater than 2.3%. Economic growth is greater than the real interest rate. The probability of this scenario is 45 percent to 55 percent.  Beneath the three economic scenarios, a chart compares Vanguard’s base case scenario for the impact of Artificial Intelligence relative to three other technologies, Robotics, Computers/(ICT), and electrification. We make the comparison along three dimensions: transformation, efficiency, and augmentation.  Our base case is that AI will be more transformative than robotics and computers, less transformative than electrification. AI will lead to greater efficiency than robotics and computers, less than electrification. AI will do more to augment worker productivity than robotics but less than computers and electrification.
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