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Our economic and market outlook at midyear

Perspectives and news

Roger Aliaga-Diaz
Expert insight

Productivity boom, anyone? It’s one way to land

Predictions for soft landings and hard landings were off for 2024. Time to consider a delayed landing in 2025.  

Our full library of perspectives

Joe Davis: AI as a general-purpose technology

Higher rates to stay, though policy divergence won't

Finding alpha: Q&A with EM debt manager Daniel Shaykevich

Research spotlight

Our research includes a number of different types of graphics
Portfolio considerations

It’s elementary: Using 529s to pay for K–12 education

This paper explores how investors can build additional wealth through tax savings by using a 529 plan for K–12 tuition.

Our full library of research

How America Saves 2024

Megatrends—AI, demographics, and the U.S. economy: Quantifying the coming tug-of-war

From theory to practice: Guaranteed income and hybrid annuity target-date funds

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